Educating the
Mind & the Heart
At SAPIENS School of Learning, we have curated a unique dual integrated curriculum to support the development of both, the Mind and the Heart of a child. We are proud to have established Kharadi's 1st pre-school affiliation with Cambridge for academic learning and India's first Emotional Intelligence integrated curriculum.
The Cambridge advantage in Inspiring Intelligence
A holistic and balanced curriculum, engaging classroom resources, assessment approaches to measure learners’ progress, and professional development opportunities. Teaching and learning is play-based and child-centred, and focuses on building learners’ skills and confidence in key developmental areas
The programme builds on these key principles:
Learning should complement the social and cultural factors (like experiences of home and community) that shape a child’s learning and development. -
Children should be involved in their own learning through well-planned experiences that help them develop competence, agency, emotional attachment and self-worth. -
Learning should encourage an appropriate balance of physical, cognitive, language and communications, and social and emotional development. -
Learning should be age appropriate, play-based and child centred. It should include both child- and adult-led activities. -
Early years education should help children transition successfully to primary school, moving from informal, play-based learning to teaching that is more formal.
The Cambridge Early Years curriculum offers a holistic approach that focuses on the whole child and connects their development with the world and people around them.
Communication, language & literacy
Listen and respond appropriately in everyday situations, although not necessarily immediately. -
Creative expression
Explore visual and tactile qualities in the natural and made world, for example, help to make a ‘feely wall’ with surfaces that have different textures (e.g. rough, smooth). -
Recognise and talk about patterns in the environment.. -
Personal, social & emotional development
Reflect on their activities and experiences, saying what they liked and disliked. -
Physical development
Respond appropriately to movement instructions, including in imaginative contents, for example, ‘Stomp like an elephant.’, ‘Leap from rock to rock.’ -
Understanding the world
Follow instructions to grow plants from seeds and talk about their observations as the plants grow.
How the SAPIENS approach helps shape strong characters
All types of intelligence - including logic, emotion, language, imagery and intuition - are served by whole brain synergy. In order for kids, youth and adults to succeed in today's ultra-competitive, fast-paced and globally-connected world, one requires the synergistic 'whole brain' skills of Consciousness Quotient!
The programme builds on these key principles:
Creativity has been identified by today's leaders as the most important life skill of the future. Creativity requires both left and right (logical and emotional) brain hemispheres to work together. -
Critical Thinking
Critical thinkers make rational, ethical and responsible decisions by employing open-minded and effective problem-solving strategies. -
The ability to connect, share ideas, communicate effectively and make healthy compromises while staying true to oneself. It is about possessing strong social skills, self-awareness and learning to maintain healthy relationships. -
It is the root of all emotional development in children, youth and even adults. Learning to communicate effectively allows us to express our innermost thoughts and feelings; share our questions and concerns. -
Social connection are the fundamental layers of what makes us human beings. We were all born with the innate desire to give, connect, share, and contribute (think of when you see a toddler jump at the opportunity to help with chores).
Making success E.A.S.I.E.R.
Emotional Wellness
Overcoming emotions such as anxiety, sadness, and anger with positivity. -
Learning to navigate, adjust and pivot unexpected situations in an ever-changing world. -
Social Leadership
Mastering diverse modes of communication, collaboration and public speaking. -
Curiosity, creativity & critical thinking; leading to generation of fresh and original ideas. -
Building strength of character, identity, empathy, integrity, grit, work ethic, and contribution. -
Overcoming obstacles, learning from mistakes, and bouncing back with renewed strength.